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Maid Name:
Indonesian maid
Experience: Transfer maid
Indonesian Transfer maid
English: (Fair)
Bahasa Indonesia/Malaysia: (Good)
Place Of Birth:
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Marital Status:
Number of Children:
Expected Salary

Employment Record

From To Country Employer Main Duties Remark
2001 2003 Singapore Chinese-Indonesian Assist in children care x 4 teenagers, housework and daily cooking for family of 6 Completed 2 years of service
2005 2006 Singapore Chinese Housekeeping of a 3 storey Bungalow and cooking for family of 6. Tried her best for 1 year can't cope alone.
2017 2014 Singapore Chinese Looking after old age Grandma (semi-mobile) daily activities, accompany her, assisting her daily needs simple housework and cooking Completed 3 years of service
2017 2020 Singapore Chinese Looking after bedridden old age Grandma's daily activities, needs & care. Simple daily housework and cooking for family of 2 Grandma passed on after 2.5 years of service.

Maid Skills

Areas of Work Willingness Experience Evaluation Comments
Care of infants/children 4  
Care of elderly 5.5  
Care of disabled 5.5  
General housework 9.5  
Cooking 9.5  
Language Skill: Spoken English 6.5/10 9.5  

Maid Introduction

Anginah, 42 years old, 3 kids to support 20, 13 & 9 yrs old
taken care by her family in Indonesia. She has been actively
working in S'pore mainly for Chinese families for 9.5 years.

She is good in taking care of old age Grandma's daily activities,
exp in mobile, semi-mobile & bedridden care for old folks.
She can handle the daily housework and daily Chinese cooking
for a small family.

Current family do not need her anymore. Grandma passed on
after taking acre of her daily needs for 2.5 years. The family has
good feedback of Anginah.

**Ready for Direct transfer
**Suitable for Old age Grandma Care
**Good in Old folk's daily activities, needs & care
**Independent in general housework
**Independent in daily Chinese meal preparation
**Able to assist older school going children
**Spoken English 6.5/10 (Worker type helper)
**Humble & Responsible helper
**Whatsapp video interviewing is available
Maid Agency: I-HUNTING
(License No.: 19C9714)
Maid agency:
Address: 1 SCOTTS ROAD,
Singapore 228208
Tel: +6590840115 (Mon-Fri 1030am to 5pm)
Email: Maid Agency Email 
Contact Person: Taz Guo
Office Hour: Monday to Friday: 1030AM to 5PM (Online service)

Last updated on 21-05-2020.
Maid Agency:
Contact Person:
Taz Guo
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